
Marketing and advertising results can vary significantly based on numerous influencing factors. While we have proper precedent of delivering exceptional outcomes through our proven methodologies, no guarantees of financial improvement or specific metrics can be made.

Success frequently requires consistent, prolonged brand exposure as well as consumer motivation and ability to engage, which cannot fully be controlled. Initial tests and launches should be viewed as building a foundation for continual optimization leading to eventual achievement of KPIs.

Typical marketing industry benchmarks report required investment horizons from 12-18+ months for accurate measurement and maximum impact. We make no claims that desired outcomes will occur inside of 4-6 months without proper budget, duration and scale of deployment.

However, through extensive upfront goal and metric setting paired with robust real-time analytics, our strategies seek to mitigate risks and refine tactics toward efficient results acceleration. We also provide performance reporting and advising that proactively addresses influences and pivots approach as needed.

Let us know if you have any other questions!